The Memory (Summary)

We as humans have the memory. This is an ability which we posses to comprehend our reality through our experiences. We can recognize our thoughts, consciousness and language due to this ability. Also we can classify memories. There are two types of memories. These are the short-term and the long-term ones. We understand the memories that occurred in the present or the past thanks to the transient memories. These are the essential memoirs that we carry out by some processes that allow us to comprehend the meaning of our experiences.

Likewise, there is a kind of transient memory called the working memory. This is known as the memory that takes place in the present. Its information capacity is very low but it has an important role as well. It permits us to comprehend spoken and written language. The researches have stated that more or less significant memories depend on the reactions. They could be physical or mental reactions that happen within the brain.

On the other hand, our experiences don’t have to be considered relevant to be long-term remembered. There is a phenomenon known as the flash bulb memory, which is not an important lived memory but it is still kept within the long-term memory. Also, in normal circumstances, these memories are not quickly forgotten.

In addition, the brain is altered. We have been talking about the short-term and long-term memories. Thanks to this we can say that there are different mechanisms for their information. Within the brain, the synapses in the neural circuits are altered to conform the formation of the memory. The long-term memory requires dialogue between neurons and genes for its functional work. But the short-term memory does not require any of those factors.

Our brain has a lot of knowledge inside it. One of the most particular characteristics in that the brain is able to “classify” information, so we can know exactly for example, which is capital of a country, how to give address and even the name of our friends. We possess all kind of simple and complex skills at the same time. Our brain’s memory banks, it means that when we learn something we acquire it even if we don´t practice often we never forgot it, like for example riding a bicycle or knitting, it means that those things stays in our memory store. The parts that involved our complex motor skills in the brain are located in the basal ganglia and the cerebellum. Motor skills are an essential part of our memory store, we have also an “episodic” memory to remember things that happened in the past, which is not easily to verified and that can be recalled. Some sort of studies made it by scientific aware that memory has recollected details of past events, it means that not only specific memory has a physical basis but that each also has a particular physical location in the brain.    

The "where" of memory.

Different kinds of memory have different positions in our brain. The explicit working memory is associated with the pre-frontal cortex. The hippocampus is where the long-term explicit memory is. The hippocampus is related with the navigation too because this part of our brains help us to create detailed maps. With more information the hippocampus becomes larger. Learning complex motor tasks engages the motor and sensory cortex.

The how of memory.

There are many experiments in animals about that because we use the same genetic code as worms’ flies and other animals or insects. In the 60's Eric Kandel doesn't knew which this method will work in sophisticated kinds of memory like in the human. He won the prize on 2000 about memory research.

Sensation is another type of learning seen in humans and the sea slug.

It occurs when we are exposed to an unexpected or strongly unpleasant stimulus.

After that our attention is sensitized as an innocuous stimulus.

Generally the sensitizing effect last perhaps for just a few minutes. But if the alarm stimulus is repeated a number of times our senses maybe heightened for days and now sensitization is a form of long-term memory.

Kandel has studied the two most basic types of memory, short-term and long-term using the paradigm of habituation and sensitization. He could observe what was going on in individual neurons and at individual synapses while the memory was being form. Kandel showed that the gill withdrawal reflex of Aplysia can be sensitized by a single strong electric shock to the tail. Thus a single shock gives rise to a memory in the form of sensitize responsiveness, lasting just a few minutes.

Next Kandel repeated it five times in spaced trials and converted the short-term memory into a long-term memory that last days. These experiments demonstrated that Aplysia displays form of learning leading to short- and long- term memory similar to humans. What was required now was evidence that there was indeed a true conservation of the physical or molecular mechanism of memory formation between Aplysia and mammals.

The neuronal network controlling the gill reflex is very simple. The sensitizing stimulus to the tail excites these neurons and when they are inhibited the sensitizing effects of stimulating the tail are blocked. The activation of these neurons is necessary for the creation of memory. These key cells are named “modulatory neurons”. With these cells inactivated the sea slug is capable to perform the gill withdrawal, but the strength of touching the siphon is not capable in short- long- term by shocks to the tail.

The roles of the modulatory neurons are crucial to explain how the strength of the gill reflex was modified by experience.

Kendel’s experiments showed that the activation of the modulatory neuron strengthened the pre-existing synapses between the sensory neurons and the motor neurons.

They showed that when a puff of serotonin is directed to the sensory motor of the synapse, it was strengthened for a few minutes just like the tail.

The serotonin can substitute the tail shock and produce short- long- term memory.

So now the question is how serotonin, a neurotransmitter, found in all animals, strengthens a synaptic connection in short-long- term.

Kandel showed that the common denominator in Aplysia is the ubiquitous second messenger called cyclic-AMP, whose synthesis is triggered by serotonin released by the modulatory neurons.

When cyclic AMP is injected into the sensory neurosis mimics the effects of serotonin.

Now we must ask how cyclic-AMP operates. It activates a very important enzyme called Kinaze. The target of this enzyme is the potassium channel.

Thus the sensory neurons synapsis with the gill motor neuron is strengthened.

Finally we have arrived to the strengthened synapse modifying the animal behavior in short-term. This is only in short-term memory because the special enzyme removes phosphates from proteins and return to their original state restoring the synaptic strength. There is requirement of new proteins to be synthetized and the blocking of this prevents long-term memory formation and this is true in Aplysys as it is true in us.

The synapse must involve the cell body and its nucleus. The relation between synapse and nucleus cause the stimulation of the necessary genetic information that is needed for the synthesis of the new protein required to the strength of the long term memory.  The beginning process is the same as short-term memory, it´s different only because of the time that serotonin is delivered. When is delivered several times, its long- term memory formation.

When the cell body is activated it modifies proteins, those ones interact with the DNA and determinate the manifestation of particular genes. In Aplysia the converting process of short-term into long term memory, requires the strengthening of short term changes in synaptic strength and thee development of new synapses. Those processes need the synthesis of new proteins

Memory mechanisms are universal.

From all the experiments, we get two conclusions. First, the synapse is crucial for adaptive change in the brain, learning and memory. Chemical synapse´s function is to modify the strength of that process. Also involves the ability of communication with the cell´s genome which has the purpose of making and finishing possible changes. Summing up, synapse makes evolution and adaptation possible. Behavior is determinate by the last experiences in our environment.

Secondly, it´s always told that upbringing influence our mental skills, but the ability to learn from nurture is determinate by how our genes are intended to answer to experience.

Different species and human beings can have similar and even the same mechanisms of memory formation.  Also, between a hippocampus and a snail they both have the same mechanism of synaptic strengthening.

The advanced knowledge of the components of memory allows the development of advanced drugs, which can help us to improve our learning ability and the efficiency of our neurotransmitters. On the other hand, we have to be careful with those drugs, because in a future they might help on the memory loss. That’s why we need to be aware of our mechanisms of memory formation.

Brain is a flexible machine and very responsive, so if we are looking for a better memory we only need to keep learning. This machine will develop a new storage if we give it new information. As we grow older neurons die and we cannot replace them, so, we lose brain ability. Nevertheless, mental exercise can reduce this dramatic time effect.

Daniel Andrades
Alan Becar
Francisca Arellano
Sebastian Aravena
Camila Contreras

Valuable Memory

Dear Pablo,

            I would like you to know about a memory in my life, which took place several years ago. When I was around twelve years old, my parents and I moved to a new house. This house had a store next to it. So we ended up being owners of the new house and the store.
            At that time I used to be a very shy child. I wasn’t able to talk to strangers or to people who I didn’t meet before. As time went by my parents started to have a hard time at the store. Problems with too many customers, the opening time, sleeping issues and so on. So I had to help them out.
            At first it was very difficult for me to serve the costumers. But my parents needed my help. So I managed to overcome my personal fears and shyness. I started from less to more. And now I can think about this memory as a great event in my life, which gave me the opportunity to grow as a person. That’s it.


Museo De La Memoria

Eliana Loyola (68 years old)

1.       What is memory for you?

It is what we have to recall what has happened in the past.

2.       What things do you remember from that day? What were you doing?

I was watching the daily TV shows when all of a sudden the Radio transmission started to talk about the military coups and stuff.

3.       Do you think is important for us to remember what happened?

I think that we shouldn’t commit the same mistakes that happened before. And for that we must remember, which is important.

4.       Is there any one to blame?

The politic. Itself, obviously, can produce division between people. That’s what happened. That’s the thing to blame.

5.       What lessons can our country learn from this violent event?

Regarding of what happened. You can forgive but not forget.

6.       Is it important for our country to have “collective memory”?

If we want to rightly call us a “country”. We must assume that we have a collective memory, which states our past and future.

7.       Is it important to clarify each of the cases of missing people?

It is more necessary than important. We cannot forge a bright future if we have a dark past. We must cleanse these cases to apologize to the whole country.

8.       Do you believe in Human Rights?


9.       Do you remember or know any special case of “detenido desaparecido”?

I used to know a homeless man who used to sleep at nights in front of my house. I’ve never seen him since that day.

10.   How important do you think it was the work of “VicarĂ­a de la Solidaridad”?

It was very helpful. Church is not useful nowadays.

The questions for me

1.       My first impressions of the Museum

My first impression was that it was going to be something new. I went by my own. So I could experience the great sightseeing that the building possesses.

2.       How I would define “memory”?

I think that memory is the collection of all of our personal experiences that we have gone through in our lives.

3.       How important for you is to have collective memory? Are there any changes in your thoughts or feelings after coming to this Museum?

If we want to rightly call us a “country”. We must assume that we have a collective memory, which states our past and future. Personally I believe that it’s not important to blame on someone or something anymore. It doesn’t matter who is or was guilty. I think it’s more important to remember this kind of events to now make them happen again.

4.       What artifact or picture called most your attention? Why?

Not only a single artifact. In the exhibition all the torture objects caught my attention. I just imagined how people in OUR country used these ones. It’s really horrifying just to reflect about that.

5.       Was it a good or bad experience? Why?

For me it was an individual experience. My thoughts and feelings that day were not changed. Even though I could say that to try to be in another’s position is something really heart-touching. I truly can tell that it was a good experience. You never end to learn and this taught me a lot of things that I would have never learnt by me own.

Shopping for one + Talk + Capitalism

I believe that ‘Shopping for one’ is immensely related to capitalism. As written in the story: “There was something so pitiful about buying small sizes of everything.”
In my opinion I think that this quote means: the more, the better. Isn’t it how capitalism and consumption work? We need to buy more and more to boost the economy. We are the ones who propel economy but at the same time we are its slaves. Our lifestyles, our thoughts and our daily routines are subordinated by capitalism. Even though economy itself isn’t one hundred percent conditioned by us. There are other facts that could affect its growth.
To make reminiscence to the talk which was leaded by Prof. Sicious. I remember the term Dust Bowl. It really got my attention. I think that the ecology has its role, too. What I mean is that this concept describes how dust storms inflicted severe damage to the agricultural system. The lands turned out to be completely destroyed thanks to the drought for a long period of time. This contributed to the economic crisis happening in that time. Finally my point of view about capitalism is that: it doesn’t matter how counterproductive it could be. It is necessary because we need a socioeconomic system to keep our lives going on. However we shouldn’t let the system get into our minds and lives. We need to live with the capitalism, not for it. 

What about Capitalism?!

The word capitalism is commonly used to describe a type of socio economic system. For many years throughout our history we have been immersed within this system. But we actually have never understood what capitalism truly is. This concept means producing and distributing goods (technology, wage, means of transport, factories, lands, etc). And at the present time capitalism is the economic system which rules all over the countries.

Nowadays people need to work in order to obtain their salary. This group of people is denominated as the working class. They need a job to get a wage thanks to their efforts at work. The working class produce goods and provide services. But what about the ones who are segregated or overwhelmed by the system? The system is cruel, indeed. It does not care about the ones who cannot provide goods or services. They are just left behind. This is truly awful. People are in need of help but no one properly gives them a solution because all humankind works on the basis of capitalism. If we begin to analyze in detail our world we can tell that we live in a context where the economic matter comes first. For example, the government itself promotes all the businesses, companies, and corporations. Therefore we can rectify that our society is mostly based on the wealth of each person. People experience a culture of consumption. We, as active consumers in the system, know that there are a lot of companies that propel the mass consumption.

The system should be changed because we are excessively submerged in consumption. Somehow capitalism is not a completely lapsed organism. Personally I believe that this system is necessary. Let us think about the world itself. If we were not able to make any profits out of something we would not work to earn money. Although it is in crisis the government should propose a revolutionary plan that could renew its essentials values. After all, money makes the world go round.

My essay (?)

Nowadays, most people in the world acknowledge the term culture. Culture itself can have many different meanings. I am going to focus into lifestyles and how they were changed along the centuries. The cultures that I am going to delve are Indian, Egyptian, Celtic and Indigenous ones. These have experienced a lot of changes inside their own history.

Indians have kept their culture thoughts and beliefs along the years. They haven’t been transformed by any historical cause. Buddhism is still being a current religion inside India. Thanks to its idea of harmony between peace and death.
Egyptian culture is no longer among us. They used to be very organized when it comes to population. And their gods and goddess were much more animal-like and not much human alike.

Moreover, we also find the Celtic culture. Its history has been told through stories and books that describe how they were supposed to live in their lands and how they were invaded by other tribes. Also this can be compared to Indigenous tribes that were attacked and killed by conquerors. Both of these cultures were considered barbarians. And until today they are still fighting for their rights to live in their lands.

Ra and his Children

This short story is about the mythology that reigned over the beliefs of the Egyptians. Its true meaning is to explain how the world was created by a greater power. The beginning of the world starts with Rah, the mighty one. He created the elements of the world such as wind, water and earth. His children depicted these elements. He named every one of them. After the creation he also created humankind. As a mighty god he decided to become a man to reign over Egypt. All of the years where he reigned were peaceful and fruitful ages. But the evil lurking under his reign decided to came into light. That is how humankind started to think about deceiving Ra and all that is good. He summoned his children to manage how to deal with the evil. As the meeting was taking place they agreed to send Sekhmet to destroy and slain all evil on Egypt. She, as a lioness figure, killed all men and women that interfered on her way. Ra though that this was clearly not the solution. He sent messengers to pick up red ochre and ordered servants to make beer out of barley. They managed to make a trap against Sekhmet using both of the ingredients. This trap weakened her power and thoughts. When she came back to Ra, he granted her a new name and a new power to convinced her to stop her doings in Egypt. That is how Egypt earned a new goddess who represented a new delight and a new pain: the love.  


“Hills Like White Elephants” develops the story in Spain. The true meaning of the story is about abortion. It can be interpreted by many different symbolisms though. The main concept of the story occurs between two persons. The girl in the story is that kind of person that you can relate to someone really young. The author primarily wanted people to take notion about the topic. The story itself can help us out to realize that humanity should take matters on its own hands.

The video exposes the true history behind the culture itself. This culture can be understood in many different ways. The video explained Buddha’s story. He was a man who never experienced real life. He always lived within the castle walls. But one day he went outside to see the surroundings. Then he discovered how life was full of flaws. So he started his search for inner peace. That’s what he found afterwards. I truly liked the video. It showed how sometimes we know about something but we really never understand it completely.

We went to the exhibition. It was under La Moneda. It was my first time there so it was really exciting. When we entered the exhibition we appreciated all the sculptures and reading that were there. Them all explained and depicted how other cultures can be conserved even nowadays. It was such a good experience to have gone there.

Buddhism is against abortion. This is truly against their belief. Life must be respected in all its ways. The text was about all the traditions and rituals that occur along the oriental countries. It also explained the meanings of some words and their why to our culture. The text contained a lot of information that our culture ignores. Abortion is a topic that should be treated worldwide, but it’s not. 

Hills Like White Elephants - Quote and its symbolism

"They don't really look like white elephants. I just meant the coloring of their skin through the trees."

This quote personally got my attention. If we turn back the page she clearly stated that the hills were so curvy and bright that they turn out to be like elephants, white ones. So then she says in this quote that they don't really look like white elephants. But she said something about their coloring of their skin through the trees. Maybe the fact that "through the trees" takes place in a dry and brownish land means that she just sees how bright they truly are only when she looks at the hills, thanks to these trees that could symbolize the happiness in the desert place in this short story.  

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was an American author and journalist.

He participated in the First World War as an emergency ambulance driver. 

When he was young he used to practice boxing.

His first book was published secretly in 1923.

The actress Mariel Hemingway known by her role in the movie "Manhattan", is Ernest's grandaughter.

In 1950 some papernews published erronously his death.

He was involved in several air crashes in Africa.

Due to those air crashes he suffered several mental problems.

He won a Pulitzer in 1953.

In the Second World War Ernest took place as a war correspondent.

His work was positively criticized. Although his actions and attitudes were strongly criticized.

He got married four times.

He owned houses in La Habana, Key West, Spain, Ketchum-Idaho at the same time.

Hemingway worked as a journalist from 1917 to 1918 for the "Kansas City Star".

When he was in Cuba as a civil he armed his private boat with vigilance equipment to avoid the German submarines invasion.

He was awared with a Nobel Prize in Literature.

He was reporting when the "D Day" ocurred.

He suffered physical and psychological deseases.

His depression and poor health made him shoot himself committing suicide.

Something curios is that his father, mother, brother and sister committed suicide as well.

Hello there.

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